Leads Collars
Training Accessories
DogSportUK Exclusive Collections
Leads Collars
Training Accessories
DogSportUK Exclusive Collections
PLUS means that the unit comes with 2 receivers on one collar. It is a single dog unit with 2 receivers pre-programmed on the same frequency and operated by a single transmitter (handheld).
The reason that we use the PLUS is the receiver boxes can be fitted on either side of the dog's throat rather than applying pressure to the throat, robbing the dog of air. Yes, you can fit a single dog unit to one side of the neck but it will shape the way the dog works. For example, if the receiver is fitted to the right side of the neck then the dog's head will move to the right in avoidance of the stim.
This can be an issue for dogs in bite work, heel work, etc. The PLUS overcomes this.
The dual receivers also mean that there is a greater surface area to spread the stim over so it is actually easier on the dog.
Finally and MOST importantly, dogs with thick coat types can sometimes be a struggle to obtain or maintain a good connection with, so this can end up resulting in the collar having to be quite tight. The PLUS will enable the collar to be fitted quite a bit looser and lower than any other configuration. This means more air for the dog, fewer collar smart dogs, and better connections.